sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2011

Simple Present

Conjulgue os verbos to relax,to go,to stady,to like.
crie uma frase com cada verbofrase.

I relax
you relax
he relaxes
she relaxes
it relaxes
we relax
you relax
they relax

2)to go
I to go
You to go
He to gos
She to gos
It to gos
We to go
You to go
They to go

3)to stady
I to stady
You to stady
He to stadyes
She to stadyes
it to stadyes
We to stady
You to stady
They to stady

4)To like
I to like
You to like
He to likes
She to likes
It to likes
We to like
You to like
They to like

A) A mulher relaxa.

woman relaxing.

B)ele vai ao estadio do corintians.
he to the stag coríntians.

C)ele vai a escola para estudar.
he goes to school to stady.

D)ele gosta de doce.

I work
You work
He works
She works
It works
We work
You work
They work

E)Ele trabalha.